(I'm not gonna lie. There were three cashews
at the bottom of this can when I picked it up for the picture.
They're now in mah belly. *maniacal laugher*)

So, we've made it through Christmas and over a week into the New Year. How crazy is that? Wasn't it just time for fall semester? Now we're going back for the spring? Geez, someone slow this train down already!

In all seriousness, my first set of holidays post-op did not go as well as I could have hoped. I was certain that five months out from my RNY I'd have enough grip on things to control myself around the abundance of finger foods. Wrong-o! Here's what I had at my gigantic family's get together Christmas night:

  • At least 1/4 cup of cashews
  • Three (regular) triscuits with a slice of the party-required cheese ball
  • Three...count them...THREE sausage balls
The cashews would have been fine on their own. The triscuits on their own could have been worse I'm sure. BUT MY SURGEON DIDN'T EVEN WANT ME TO HAVE PORK OR BEEF UNTIL SIX MONTHS OUT!

This was the first time I'd tried it! And I tried it in a ridiculously high-fat content way along with other fatty foods! Needless to say, shortly after this mayhem I spent a good half hour laying on the floor of the bathroom, worshiping the porcelain god whilst telling myself how stupid I was. It was the first time I'd dumped since my post-Thanksgiving "bounce back" into health. I was afraid I didn't do it anymore, but let me tell you -- I do, and it is still just as horrible as I remember!

However, Santa didn't just leave me with a case of dumping syndrome and hit the road. There was an upside to my Christmas in that the week of and week following I dropped fifteen pounds following my longest stall at 220 lbs. I'm now 205 and stuck again -- poor Andie will never see the joys of ONEderland :(

Of course, the stall could be thanks to the gloriously irressistable cashews that have followed me home from aforementioned Christmas gatherings. New Years Resolution: Please to stop teh grazing nao. And avoid dumping again, gosh darn it!